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Анотації дисертацій, захищених під науковим керівництвом М.В.Гриньової (Annotations of theses protected under the scientific guidance of MV Grinova)
Анотації дисертацій
Rybalka O.Ya. Training Biology students’ readiness to bringing up teenagers’ culture of cross-sexual relations

Rybalka O.Ya. Training Biology students’ readiness to bringing up teenagers’ culture of cross-sexual relations. - Manuscript.
Thesis seeking the degree of the Candidate in education, specializing in the 13.00.04.- Theory and technology of professional training. - Kirovograd state pedagogical...
Rendyuk S.P. The development of cognitive activity of the students of technical universities in the process of the learning of mathematical disciplines

Rendyuk S.P. The development of cognitive activity of the students of technical universities in the process of the learning of mathematical disciplines. - Manuscript.
The dissertation for scientific degree of candidate of pedagogical sciences of specialty 13.00.09 - Theory of training. - Kharkiv...
Popovych G. L. Methods of local lore and travelling knowledge forming for the future geography teachers.

Popovych G. L. Methods of local lore and travelling knowledge forming for the future geography teachers. - Manuscript.
Dissertation for the Candidate of Pedagogic degree in the specialty 13.00.02 - theory and methods of teaching (geography) - Poltava National Pedagogical University after V. G....
Peskun S.P. Didactic conditions of senior pupils creative development during natural cycle of subjects study in comprehensive school

Peskun S.P. Didactic conditions of senior pupils creative development during natural cycle of subjects study in comprehensive school. - Manuscript.
The dissertation on competition of the pedagogical sciences scientific candidate degree on speciality 13.00.09 "Training theory". The Volyn State...
Novopysmennyi S.A. Formation of basic competencies of future teachers of Basics of Health in the process of studying the profession-oriented disciplines

Novopysmennyi S.A. Formation of basic competencies of future teachers of Basics of Health in the process of studying the profession-oriented disciplines. - Manuscript.
Thesis for the Candidate of Sciences Degree (Pedagogics) in speciality 13.00.04- theory and methodology of professional...
Momot O. V. Future Instructors’ Training for Master-Level Teaching

Momot O. V. Future Instructors’ Training for Master-Level Teaching. - Manuscript.
Thesis for a Candidate’s Degree in Pedagogical Sciences. Specialty 13.00.04 - Theory and Methods of Professional Education. - Khmelnytskyi National University, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. -...
Myronenko L. L. Formation of social science concepts of students of 9-10 forms during the teaching process of economic geography

Myronenko L. L. Formation of social science concepts of students of 9-10 forms during the teaching process of economic geography. - Script.
Dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, specialty 13.00.02 - Theory and Methods of Teaching (geography). - Poltava National...
Matviienko J. S. Upbringing of Socially Active Personality of the Future Teachers in the System of Student Self-government

Matviienko J. S. Upbringing of Socially Active Personality of the Future Teachers in the System of Student Self-government - On the right of manuscript.
Thesis for a scientific degree of candidate of pedagogical sciences, speciality 13.00.07 - theory and methods of upbringing. - Pavlo Tychyna Uman...
Makarenko VJ. The formation of future doctors' profession«! competence in the process of natural scientific training

Makarenko VJ. The formation of future doctors' profession«! competence in the process of natural scientific training. - Manuscript.
The scientific thesis for the degree of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, specialty 13.00.04 - theory and methods of professional education. - Volodymyr Vynnychenko...
Kutorzevska L.I. The training of the future teacher for the work as an educator in comprehensive schools for orphan children

Kutorzevska L.I. The training of the future teacher for the work as an educator in comprehensive schools for orphan children
The thesis for possessions of degree of candidate of pedagogical sciences by specialty 13.00.04 — The theory and methods of professional education. - Institute of Pedagogics...