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Zhdanova-Nedilko O.G. Didactic bases of educational interaction of the teacher and student in the process of studying pedagogical disciplines

Zhdanova-Nedilko O.G. Didactic bases of educational interaction of the teacher and student in the process of studying pedagogical disciplines

Zhdanova-Nedilko O.G. Didactic bases of educational interaction of the teacher and student in the process of studying pedagogical disciplines - On the rights of the manuscript.

Thesis for a doctorate degree in pedagogy in specialty 13.00.09 - Theory of Training. - G.S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. - Kharkiv, 2017.

In the doctoral thesis the essence of academic interaction between the teacher and student is studied in the study of pedagogical disciplines as their objectively and subjectively determined interdependent activity oriented towards the study of a specific pedagogical discipline in the context of the general pedagogical preparation of the future teacher for professional activity.

Specific features of educational interaction of the teacher and student in the modern university are defined, its conceptual bases are formulated. It is noted that the specific features of the educational interaction between the teacher and the student as subjects of the educational process in the modem higher school are determined: by analyzing its essential characteristics as a kind of pedagogical interaction (the interdependence (interdependence) of the actions of its subjects, the adequacy of the responses of each of the actors to the actions of the other, Pedagogical goal), as well as in elucidating its substructures (professional-normative (content and instrument) Component components) and personality-adaptive (motivational-reflexive and emotionally-regulatory components) that are in dialectical interrelationship). The conceptual foundations of the educational interaction of the teacher and student in the study of pedagogical disciplines are presented in the aggregate of the most methodological approaches (humanistic, personal, culturological, acmeological, synergistic, environmental, system, project, activity, axiological), characteristic of the modem higher pedagogical school, as well as the principles of educational interaction Teacher and student in the study of pedagogical disciplines.

The concept of successful educational interaction is substantiated as one that is oriented towards the achievement of the consistency of the received educational result of the goal in an efficient and objective way, in an interactive procedural way - it ensures the growth of the student's competence as a subject of professional interaction, and promotes objectively and subjectively justified design in the person- Trajectory of personal and professional development of the future teacher. This allows us to emphasize its level nature and trace the dynamics of its changes under the influence of significant factors. These factors determined the set of pedagogical conditions that determine the requirements for subjects of educational interaction and its context (the creation of a favorable didactic environment for pedagogical discipline, the formation of student readiness for learning interaction in the process of studying pedagogical discipline, the realization of a person-centered didactic accompaniment of the student in the process of studying pedagogical discipline). Based on the analysis of the most significant psychological and pedagogical characteristics of the teacher and student in the educational process, it is proved that the teacher can be considered as conditionally unchanged in his communicative and activity characteristics of the interaction subject, whereas the student in this capacity can be on one of the levels: elementary (indifferent), low (fragmentary), mean (theoretized) and high (perfect). The description of each level includes two blocks of parameters - communicative (personality-value and procedural characteristics of communication as a way of implementing learning interaction) and projective (understanding the essence and prospects of further self-development).

The theoretical substantiation of didactic system of the optimization for educational interaction in the process of studying of pedagogical disciplines is realized, which includes so components: value-content, technological-process, reflexive-projective and attitudinal. Their content is detailed. The principal possibility of unified representation of pedagogical disciplines on the basis of their methodological, objective and substantial generality is grounded, which implies the ability of the developed system to provide didactic bases of educational interaction in their study. The criteria for the successful academic interaction of the teacher and student in the process of studying the pedagogical disciplines (meaningful, interactive procedural, personality-developing) and its levels are defined: formal (inefficient), reproductive (low), unstable (average), creative (high).

In the course of the experimental research, the effectiveness of the developed didactic system of scientific and methodical support of the instructional interaction of the teacher and student in the process of studying pedagogical disciplines was proved.

Key words: educational interaction, pedagogical disciplines, didactic bases of educational interaction, process of studying pedagogical disciplines, teacher, student, future teacher.

