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Zhamardii V. O. Forming Special Skills and Abilities of Higher Educational Establishments’ Students in the Process of Power Lifting Classes

Zhamardii V. O. Forming Special Skills and Abilities of Higher Educational Establishments’ Students in the Process of Power Lifting Classes. - Manuscript.
The dissertation for scientific degree of candidate of pedagogical sciences of speciality 13.00.02 - Theory and methodology of education (physical education, foundation of health). - V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Kharkiv, 2014.
The dissertation aims to solve the problem of forming special skills and abilities of higher educational establishments’ students in the process of power lifting classes.
Age-related anatomic and physiological mechanisms of students’ development in the process of power lifting classes are well-grounded. The matter and structure of power lifting classes and the peculiarities of their organization in higher educational establishments got their theoretical grounding as well. The criteria and levels of special skills and abilities formation on the base of consideration the age, sexual and individual peculiarities of higher educational establishments’ students in the process of power lifting classes are determined in the research. The technique of forming special skills and abilities of higher educational establishments’ students in the process of power lifting classes was theoretically proved, designed and introduced into the process of education. It was oriented on harmonic intellectual development, improvement of physical readiness of students to their successful professional activity and achievement of sport results in the chosen kind of sport. The effectiveness of the suggested technique of forming special skills and abilities of higher educational establishments’ students in the process of power lifting classes was experimentally verified.
Key words: power lifting, skills, abilities, students, health, methodology, physical readiness, physical education.