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Venevtseva E. V. Students' Pedagogical University Education in Bilingual Communication Culture.

Venevtseva E. V. Students' Pedagogical University Education in Bilingual Communication Culture. -Manuscript.
Thesis for a PhD Degree in Pedagogical Sciences. Speciality 13.00.07 - Theory and Methodology of Education, - V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ministry ofEducation and Science ofUkraine. - Kharkiv, 2015.
The thesis focuses on the theoretical analysis of such key notions, which make it possible to reveal the essence of the fiiture teachers’ bilingual communication culture and single out its conceptual subsystems. The research emphasises the necessity' to educate the students of pedagogical universities in bilingual communication culture. There are two main concepts considered in the paper, namely “future teachers’ bilingual communication culture” and “future teachers’ education in bilingual communication culture”.
The future teachers’ bilingual communication culture means the students’ special knowledge and communication skills requisite for gaining positive experience in productive bilingual communication within cross-cultural interaction and sharing this experience with their future pupils. The future teachers’ education in bilingual communication culture is used to denote a pedagogical process, which aims at combining special knowledge and skills with the bicultural sensitivity for the future teachers to gain and share their positive experience in productive bilingual communication.
The developed structure of the future teachers’ bilingual communication culture determines special pedagogical frameworks, increasing the efficiency of the students’ education in bilingual communication culture according to a set of specific principles and stages of such education. The pedagogical frameworks under consideration are: the bilingual environment; lecturer’s personal example; the special methods, means and forms of the students’ education in bilingual communication culture.
The thesis specifically studies the objects and the main components of these pedagogical frameworks, identifies the main ways, means and effective methods of their implementation in the education process.
In terms of theoretical and methodological postulates of pedagogy, the paper presents a new approach to integrating such frameworks into the unified system and gives a full description of a “Portfolio”, which contains both pedagogical research and training tools. The present thesis highlights criteria, indicators and levels of the future teachers’ bilingual communication culture, which are devised for the efficiency of the pedagogical frameworks implementation in the process of students’ education to be confirmed experimentally.
The attempted research results in the conclusion that the pedagogical frameworks, implemented in the education process, are highly effective as far as the future teachers’ education in the bilingual communication culture is concerned.
Keywords: bilingual communication culture, students’ education in bilingual communication culture, pedagogical frameworks of fixture teachers’ education in bilingual communication culture.