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Sorokina G. Y. Future communication specialist’s functional competences formation in technical subjects studies

Sorokina G. Y. Future communication specialist’s functional competences formation in technical subjects studies

Sorokina G. Y. Future communication specialist’s functional competences formation in technical subjects studies. - Manuscript.

The dissertation for a Candidate Degree in Pedagogical Sciences in specialty 13.00.04 - Theory and methodology of professional education. - Bohdan Khmelnytsky. National University at Cherkasy. - Cherkasy, 2010.

The future communication specialist’s functional competences formation theoretical- methodological bases aie shown in the dissertation.

Scientific-pedagogical analyze of problem under study is done, the “functional competence” concept essential is theoretically well-founded, component structure and its kinds are determined. The technical disciple’s role and place in future communication specialist's professional education are shown. The future communication specialist's functional competences formation model is developed and scientifically well- founded. The functional competencies criteria and forming levels are characterized. The functional competences formation technique in technical subject studies is described.

Experimental work quantitative and qualitative results are certified the offered technique effectiveness and students functional competence formation level rising. The dissertation main statements are instilled to the study process of higher educational institutions.

Key words: competence, the competency, functional competence, functional competence formation technique, future communication specialist.

