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Shupta I. M. Training future managers of the field of agroindustrial complex for the prevention of conflicts in the governmental activity

Shupta I. M. Training future managers of the field of agroindustrial complex for the prevention of conflicts in the governmental activity. — Manuscript.
Research work for gaining candidate degree of pedagogical sciences on specialty 13.00.04 - theory and methods of professional training. - Kirovograd Volodymyr Vynnychenko University, Kirovograd, 2011.
The research work considers the theoretical-experimental investigation of the
problem of training future managers of the field of agroindustrial complex for conflicts prevention in the governmental activity. On the basis of the theoretical resources analysis the essence of conflicts in the governmental activity was considered as a pedagogical problem; the specific character of the governmental activity of future managers of the field of agroindustrial complex and it’s influence qii the rise of conflicts at agricultural enterprises were discovered; the ways of prevention of conflicts in the governmental activity were theoretically grounded. The methods of training and the structural model according to the theme of the research work were theoretically grounded and experimentally checked, the essence, structure, criteria and levels of the cognitive, operational and personal-emotional components and their indices: conflictological literacy, competence and culture were determined.The peculiarities of creating favourable microclimate in student groups (collectives) as a means of conflicts prevention were suggested. The technological realization of training future managers of the field of agroindustrial complex for the prevention of conflicts in the governmental activity on the basis of forming their conflictological competence and culture was provided due to the introduction into the process of education the training course of an effective leadership and communication.
On the basis of the received results the topical chapter for the educational- practical supplies was developed, educational-methodological aids, educational- methodological recommendations coceming the trainng future managers to the prevention of conflicts in the governmental activity were made.
Key-words: conflict in the governmental activity, prevention of conflicts, conflictological literacy, conflictological competence, conflictologicalculture, cognitive criterion, operational-active criterion, personal-cultural criterion.