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Shapovalova L.V. Reformation of the content of university education of modern France.

Shapovalova L.V. Reformation of the content of university education of modern France. - Manuscript.
Dissertation for receiving academic Ph. D. degree on educational theory 13.00.01 - General Pedagogical Science and History of Pedagogy Poltava State Pedagogical University named after V.G. Korolenko, 2008. In dissertation research for the first time on the basis of retrospective analysis the dynamics of reformation of the content of university education of modem France system is studied and analyzed.
To the internal factors which influence this process belong: crisis of universities, requirement of labor-market, self-governing, decentralization of universities, the law «About social modernization», the law «On freedoms and to responsibility of universities».
External factors are it including of France in European space of higher education and reforms of LMD/ECTS which predetermined them.
By the tendencies of reformation of the content of university formation of modem France we understand individualization, professionalization, training specialists for regions where these universities are located, passing of university education to the market relations, development of plyuridisciplinarity.
The subsequent study process of reformation of the content of university education of modem France and its consequences will promote the development of the national system of higher education.
Key words: university, content of the french education, term of studying, self-governing, decentralization, regionalization, individualization.