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Sayko N. O. Theory and Practice of Future Social Workers’ Training for Social Rehabilitation of Teenagers in General Educational Institutions

Sayko N. O. Theory and Practice of Future Social Workers’ Training for Social Rehabilitation of Teenagers in General Educational Institutions. -
Thesis for a Doctoral Degree in Pedagogical Sciences. Specialty 13.00.04 - Theory and Methods of Professional Education. - Khmelnytskyi National University, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. - Khmelnytskyi, 2017.
The research substantiates and develops the theoretical and methodological foundations of the preparation of future social workers for social rehabilitation of junior teenagers of general educational institutions on the basis of the provisions of
functional, competence, axiological, synergetic, systemic activity, humanistic, personality-activity, acmeological and environmental approaches, which takes into account general pedagogical regularities of educational process in higher educational institutions, social-pedagogical problems of modem educational institutions and society in general. The essence of social rehabilitation as a component of socio- pedagogical activity in the health center on the organization of regenerative therapy for overcoming the effects of didactogenic influences on junior teenagers has been found out and foreign experience in solving this problem has been studied. The content and structure of the professional preparation of future social workers for social rehabilitation of junior adolescents in school are disclosed, its criteria, indicators and levels of formation are characterized. The conceptual foundations of the preparation of future social workers for social rehabilitation of junior teenagers in schools, which stipulate the social worker’s orientation in general educational institutions to overcome the negative effects of the school system on the personality of the junior teenager are formulated. The structural and functional model of the preparation of future social workers for social rehabilitation of junior adolescents at school is developed and experimentally tested, which involves the formation of information, psychological, methodological and value-normative readiness of students to implement social and rehabilitation tasks in the school environment. Pedagogical conditions of successful preparation of future social workers for social rehabilitation of junior teenagers in school were identified. An experimental research, which proved the effectiveness of the model of preparation was made.
Key words: social rehabilitation, didactogenics, rehabilitation environment, method of relying on the strengths of the personality, professional preparation, components of professional preparation, future social workers, model of professional preparation.