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Rybalka O.Ya. Training Biology students’ readiness to bringing up teenagers’ culture of cross-sexual relations

Rybalka O.Ya. Training Biology students’ readiness to bringing up teenagers’ culture of cross-sexual relations. - Manuscript.
Thesis seeking the degree of the Candidate in education, specializing in the 13.00.04.- Theory and technology of professional training. - Kirovograd state pedagogical university named after Volodymyr Vynnechencko, Kirovograd, 2005.
The author of the paper reveals the essence of the notion of “culture of cross-sexual relations” and analyzes the problems of developing the culture within teenagers.
Analyzing special works of the Ukrainian scientists who work in the field, the author of the paper finds out traditional ways of solving the problem as well as modern approach to sexual upbringing of teenagers.
Professional readiness of biology teachers to bringing up teenagers’ culture of cross-sexual relations as an essential part of sexual education was studied. Structure, indexes, components and levels of the readiness were analyzed, on the bases of which the ways and technology of the training of it within the biology students were suggested. It is based on a systemic approach in teacher training, an integrated part of which is a specially developed course named “Development teenagers’ culture of cross-sexual relations”.
Key word: sexual education, culture of cross-sexual relations, teenagers, biology students, biology teachers, readiness, components and levels of the readiness, ways and technology.