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Rosenko N.O. Educating Tolerant Relations among Senior Teenagers in the Process of Ballroom Dancing Training

Rosenko N.O. Educating Tolerant Relations among Senior Teenagers in the Process of Ballroom Dancing Training - Manuscript.
Thesis for a Candidate Degree in Pedagogy, Speciality 13.00.07 - Theory and Methods of Education, -V.N.Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. — Kharkiv, 2015.
The thesis considers the situation in scientific research on the problem of tolerant relations education and explains the content of the concepts “tolerance”, “tolerant relations”, “tolerant relations breeding”. On the base of age peculiarities of senior teenagers there were discovered structural components, essence and content of educating tolerant relations in the process of ballroom dancing training.
The pedagogical conditions for educating tolerant relations among senior teenagers in the process of ballroom dancing training are grounded. They include: creating tolerant educational environment in dance groups of ballroom dancing; using pedagogically relevant forms and methods of organizing ballroom dancing training; the role of a trainer’s personality as a promoter of tolerant relations in dance groups.
Key words: senior teenager, tolerance, tolerant relations, educating tolerant relations, ballroom dancing, trainer, dance group.