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Rendyuk S.P. The development of cognitive activity of the students of technical universities in the process of the learning of mathematical disciplines

Rendyuk S.P. The development of cognitive activity of the students of technical universities in the process of the learning of mathematical disciplines. - Manuscript.
The dissertation for scientific degree of candidate of pedagogical sciences of specialty 13.00.09 - Theory of training. - Kharkiv National Pedagogical University named after G.S. Skovoroda, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. - Kharkiv, 2015.
The dissertation directed to solve of theoretical and experimental study of the problem of the development of cognitive activity of the students of technical universities in the process of the learning of mathematical disciplines.
The essence of cognitive activity and its characteristics in the learning of mathematical disciplines in the technical university are determined. Didactic terms of the development of cognitive activity of the students of technical universities, the relationship and the ratio of its main components are investigated. The criteria and levels of the development of the students of technical universities are specified. During research it is inculcated, experimentally tested and well-proven the efficiency of certain didactics terms of the development of cognitive activity of the students of technical universities in the process of the learning of mathematical disciplines.
Keywords: cognitive activity, development, mathematical disciplines, students, didactic conditions, learning process, Technical University.