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Popovych G. L. Methods of local lore and travelling knowledge forming for the future geography teachers.

Popovych G. L. Methods of local lore and travelling knowledge forming for the future geography teachers. - Manuscript.
Dissertation for the Candidate of Pedagogic degree in the specialty 13.00.02 - theory and methods of teaching (geography) - Poltava National Pedagogical University after V. G. Korolenko. - Poltava, 2015.
The dissertation research is concerned with theoretical, methodical and practical fundamentals of local lore and travelling knowledge forming for the future geography teachers. There was analyzed the condition of the problem of local lore and travelling knowledge forming in pedagogical, geographical and psychological literature. There were proposed and substantiated the definitions of the terms «local lore knowledge» and «local lore and travelling knowledge».
There was conducted the analysis of current level of local lore and travelling forming in pedagogical higher educational institutions of Ukraine.
There was researched the impact of educational environment of students- geographers on their local lore and travelling knowledge mastering.
There were substantiated psychological pedagogical and didactic conditions of local lore and travelling knowledge forming. There was offered the methodic model of local lore and travelling knowledge forming for the future geography teachers. There are outlined the criteria and levels of local lore knowledge forming. The research experimentally monitored the efficiency of the proposed methodic model of local lore and travelling knowledge in analytical and graphic forms. The research proved the fact that the proposed methods improve the efficiency level of local lore and travelling knowledge forming and mastering. There were developed methodic materials including syllabus, texts of the lectures, seminars tasks, local lore and travelling and conceptual terminological dictionary.
The results of the research will be used for practical teaching.
Key words: local lore, local lore knowledge, local lore and travelling knowledge, psychological and pedagogical conditions for knowledge forming, levels of knowledge forming, methods, methodic model.