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Peskun S.P. Didactic conditions of senior pupils creative development during natural cycle of subjects study in comprehensive school

Peskun S.P. Didactic conditions of senior pupils creative development during natural cycle of subjects study in comprehensive school. - Manuscript.
The dissertation on competition of the pedagogical sciences scientific candidate degree on speciality 13.00.09 "Training theory". The Volyn State University named after Lesya Ukrainka. - Lutsk, 2006.
In dissertational research on the basis of works analysis of domestic and foreign scientists, advanced pedagogical experience, the author's procedure of didactic conditions ensuring of creative development of senior pupils is developed at the study of natural cycle subjects that is based on the system “Didactoservice”. The concepts „creative development of senior pupils", „didactic conditions of creative development of senior pupils" are concretized at natural cycle subjects study.
The frame of senior pupils creative development in educational process is specified. Knowledge, skill, skills (kss), self-control, creativity. The criteria of schoolchildren creative development revealed: activity, independence, originality, productivity. On the criteria basis the levels of creative development are specified: low, average, high. The experimental result of pupils learning the natural subjects in comprehensive schools, has shown, that the level of creative development of pupils is insufficiently high. With the count of objective necessity of senior pupils creative development which is designated in the modern educational documents, inadequate methodological basis of the problem and presence of preconditions for its permission on the basis of the developed creative development frame and criteria, the author's procedure of didactic conditions ensuring of senior pupils creative development has been built at the study of natural cycle subjects. In a basis of procedure system "Didactoservice" introduced in didactic parcels as a set. The approbation of its results has place in comprehensive schools of Ukraine. Analysis of pedagogical experiment productivity has shown, that the developed author's procedure promotes the successful creative development of senior pupils at the study of nature' cycle subjects.
Key words: creative development, didactic conditions, senior pupils, system "Didactoservice", natural cycle subjects.