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Myronenko L. L. Formation of social science concepts of students of 9-10 forms during the teaching process of economic geography

Myronenko L. L. Formation of social science concepts of students of 9-10 forms during the teaching process of economic geography. - Script.
Dissertation for the degree of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, specialty 13.00.02 - Theory and Methods of Teaching (geography). - Poltava National Pedagogical University V. G. Korolenka. - Poltava, 2014.
The paper is dedicated to the theoretical, methodological and practical basis of the formation of social science concepts during the teaching of economic and social geography of Ukraine and world. It is analysed the state of issues in the theory and practice of teaching geography and it is determined the place of social science concepts in the content and structure of curriculums, textbooks, manuals, lessons system. Author determined the factors that have an influence on the formation of social science concepts and difficulty of learning them by students.
Based on a comprehensive analysis of the philosophical, psychological and pedagogical, scientific and methodological geographic literature it was clarified the objective need in creating of a didactic model of social science concepts.
Grounded psycho-pedagogical conditions, it was singled out the main stages of formation of social science concepts and proposed a set of methods and techniques for their effective consolidation. Realized typification and systematization of social science concepts in geography course in 9-10 froms.
Experimentally tested the proposed model of methodology of formation of social science concepts in the course of «Economic and social geography of Ukraine» and «Socio-economic geography of the world». It is proved that compliance of this technique improves the efficiency of formation and learning of social science concepts by students of 9-10 formstn. Proposed methodological recommendations for the successful learning them by students. The received re sults can be used in the practice of teaching.
Key words: Social science concepts, economic and social geography of Ukraine, socio-economic geography of the world, psycho-pedagogical conditions of formation of concepts, teaching process, methodology, didactic model.