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Moskalenko O.M. The development of pedagogical local history of the Poltava region (end of 19th - 20th century)

Moskalenko O.M. The development of pedagogical local history of the Poltava region (end of 19th - 20th century) - Manuscript.
The dissertation for a degree of a doctorate in pedagogics (Specialty : 13.00.01 - general pedagogics and history of pedagogics. - Poltava V.G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University. - Poltava, 2014.
The object of the research is devoted to the historico-pedagogical analysis of the development of pedagogical local history of the Poltava region in the period from late 19th century until end of 20th century. The author has established the level of exploration and definiteness of the term of «pedagogical local history». In this dissertation investigated a question of the evolution of this term within the time frame pointed above in the papers written by foreign and domestic scientists. The author has made an attempt to outline the most important tendencies in the development of the term of «pedagogical local history».
The main areas, structural components, and functions of pedagogical local history were discovered and systematized. The general scientific principles and regularities it complies with were established. The periodization of establishment and development of pedagogical local history of the Poltava region was accomplished within the time frame pointed above. The suitability of the research work in this field, and use of obtained data for the future teachers training was proved.
Keywords: local history, pedagogical local history, the structure of pedagogical local history, functions of pedagogical local history, principles and regularities of pedagogical local history, Poltava region, pedagogical local history of the Poltava region, future teacher, professional training of the teacher.