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Momot O. V. Future Instructors’ Training for Master-Level Teaching

Momot O. V. Future Instructors’ Training for Master-Level Teaching. - Manuscript.
Thesis for a Candidate’s Degree in Pedagogical Sciences. Specialty 13.00.04 - Theory and Methods of Professional Education. - Khmelnytskyi National University, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. - Khmelnytskyi, 2016.
The thesis is devoted to the problem of future instructors’ training for master- level teaching. The current state of the problem in the scientific literature has been analyzed. The essence of the concepts of “future instructors’ training ...”, “future instructors’ readiness ...”, “the content of future instructors’ training ...” for master- level teaching has been specified. Pedagogical conditions of future instructors’ training for master-level teaching have been justified and experimentally tested. They are the provision of Master’s degree students’ positive motivation for teaching in higher education institutions through the use of innovative educational technologies; the improvement of the content of Master’s degree students’ training for teaching in higher education institutions due to the introduction of the integrative interdisciplinary express course “Fundamentals of Scientific and Pedagogical Activity of Future Instructors”; the systematic development of electronic educational and methodological support of the educational process in higher education institutions.
The model of future instructors’ training for master-level teaching has been developed and presented. It has been stated that the model mentioned reflects the relations between target, theoretical and methodological, content and technological as well as diagnostic and productive blocks.
Key words: future instructor, Master’s degree, criteria of readiness, pedagogical conditions, motivation, express course.