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Matviienko J. S. Upbringing of Socially Active Personality of the Future Teachers in the System of Student Self-government

Matviienko J. S. Upbringing of Socially Active Personality of the Future Teachers in the System of Student Self-government - On the right of manuscript.
Thesis for a scientific degree of candidate of pedagogical sciences, speciality 13.00.07 - theory and methods of upbringing. - Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, Uman, 2014.
The dissertation is dedicated to the problem of upbringing of socially active personality of the future teachers in the system of student self-government. Theoretical foundations of education grounded social activity of students of higher educational institutions are substantiated, defined the concept of «social activity», «student self-government system», «socially active person’s education of the future teacher in the student self-government system». The essence and the peculiarities of the system of student self-government higher educational institutions. The criteria, indicators and identified levels of politeness social activity of students of higher educational institutions are described. It is proved that the system of student self-government higher educational institution is an educational environment, as participation in student self-government complements, the knowledge and skills of future teachers acquired during training are expands and deepens. The criteria and indicators for breeding social activity of future teachers in the system of student self- government are found out.
The model and organizational and pedagogical conditions of education socially active person of the future teacher in the system of student self-government, which provides the focus of educational work in all areas of the student government are justified theoretically and tested. The comprehensive training system to educate social activity is created and tested.
Key words: social activity, socially active person, socially active individual upbringing of the future teachers, the system of student self-government.