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Makarenko VJ. The formation of future doctors' profession«! competence in the process of natural scientific training

Makarenko VJ. The formation of future doctors' profession«! competence in the process of natural scientific training

Makarenko VJ. The formation of future doctors' profession«! competence in the process of natural scientific training. - Manuscript.

The scientific thesis for the degree of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, specialty 13.00.04 - theory and methods of professional education. - Volodymyr Vynnychenko Central Ukrainian State Pedagogical University. - Kropyvnytskyi, 2017.

The essential content of the concept "professional competence of future doctors" is specified. The structure of professional competencies of future doctors which includes five groups of competences (value-motivational, cognitive, praxeological, person-professional, subjective) has been developed and theoretically substantiated.

The specifics of the process of natural scientific training of future doctors in medical universities have been clarified. The ways of improving its content, forms, methods and means are discovered.

The criteria, indicators and levels of the formation of professional competencies of future doctors in the process of natural science training are determined.

The pedagogical conditions for the formation of professional co mpetencies of future physicians in the process of natural science training (professional environment development, actualization of the professional potential of science and education, the orientation of students' educational, cognitive and scientific activities to the formation of professional competencies) have been determined and theoretically substantiated.

The effectiveness of pedagogical conditions for the formation of future doctors' professional competence in the process of natural scientific training in a higher educational institution are experimentally tested.

Key words: future doctor, professional competence, natural science training, pedagogical conditions, professional environment.