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Kyrylchuk O. B. Education of rhetorical culture of highschool students in the process of studying the humanities.

Kyrylchuk O. B. Education of rhetorical culture of highschool students in the process of studying the humanities. - On the right of manuscript.
The dissertation on the scientific degree of the Candidate of Pedagogical sciences in specialty 13.00.07 - theory and methods of upbringing. - Uman State Pedagogical University named after Pavlo Tychyna. - Uman, 2013.
The thesis presents the theoretical generalization and a new approach to solving an important and relevant issue as education of rhetorical culture for high school students, manifested in the form of studies and experimental verification of the author's didactic in the study of the humanities which combines traditional and integrated methods of work, consequently foresees the fulfillment of motivating, correctional and functional, creative and functional periods.
The paper presents the content of education rhetorical culture which presents both the process and the result of creating preconditions for personal communication with others according to the cultural heritage of the society in the sphere of communication. The study of humanities during the educational process is the means of its implementation in secondary schools, particularly for the high school students.
The method of rhetorical culture education for high school students during the study of the humanities is developed. The components of the content structure of rhetorical culture for high school students and the levels of their rhetorical culture are specified.
The concepts «rhetorical culture» as integrated personal formation of the high school students, «rhetorical culture education» as the students level of awareness of conventional moral values and the way of their behavior during the communication are defined.
Key words: rhetorical culture, rhetorical culture of a high school student, education of rhetorical culture, methods of rhetorical culture education, the humanities.