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Kutorzevska L.I. The training of the future teacher for the work as an educator in comprehensive schools for orphan children

Kutorzevska L.I. The training of the future teacher for the work as an educator in comprehensive schools for orphan children
The thesis for possessions of degree of candidate of pedagogical sciences by specialty 13.00.04 — The theory and methods of professional education. - Institute of Pedagogics of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, 2004.
The thesis is devoted to the problem of preparing future teachers to the work as an educator in an orphan’s boarding-school by putting into practice special methods. The contain theoretical and methodical basis of preparing the teacher (peculiarities of educational process, moral, labor, physical, family, aesthetic brining-up, realizing of the importance of the teacher’s and educator’s cooperation, the importance of extra-cubiculum work) and the matter of practical skills and habits (communicative-oriented skills in self-activity, help in adaptation, the formation of the educational relationships) are outlined in the thesis. The level of training for the teaching in orphan’s boarding-school is found to be insufficient. The aim and the ways of forming are considered. The special course for intensifying the level of student’s training for the work in boarding-school is worked-out. The quantitative and qualitative analysis of appropriateness of it’s instillation into educational program in social pedagogic is given.
Key words: an educator, orphan’s boarding-school, teaching-educational process, communicative-oriented, skills in self-activity, adaptation, practical skills and habits, the training of the future teaching-educational.