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Krashchenko Y. P. Upbringing of Leadership Skills of the Future Teachers in the System of Student Self-government

Krashchenko Y. P. Upbringing of Leadership Skills of the Future Teachers in the System of Student Self-government. - Printed as manuscript.
Thesis for a candidate’s degree of pedagogical sciences in specialty 13.00.07 - Theory and Methods of Education. - Poltava V. G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University, the Ministry of Education, Science, Youth and Sports of Ukraine, 2012.
The dissertation is dedicated to the problem of upbringing of leadership skills of the future teachers in the system of student self-government. Theoretical fundamentals of the leadership skills upbringing of higher educational establishments’ students are substantiated; the content of such concepts as „system of student self-government”, „upbringing of leadership skills of the future teachers” are determined; the concepts „leader” and „leadership” are refined. The essence and special features of the student self- government system in the establishment of higher education are discovered. The criteria and indices are described, and the levels of leadership skills breeding of the future teachers are found out. The technique of the future teachers’ leadership skills upbringing in the student self-government system that includes the implementation of Youth Project «School of local and student government „Leader of the Future” is justified theoretically and tested.
Key words: leader, leadership skills, upbringing of leadership skills, student self- government system, technique of the future teachers’ leadership skills upbringing in the student self-government system.