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Koryahina N.V. Preparation of teachers to experimental research field of natural science

Koryahina N.V. Preparation of teachers to experimental research field of natural science. — On the rights of manuscript.
The Dissertation for the degree of candidate of pedagogical sciences, specialty 13.00.04 — Theory and Methods of Professional Education. — Kirovograd Volodymyr Vynnychenko State Pedagogical University. - Kirovograd, 2015.
The thesis deals with the problem of training of teachers to experimental research on the field of science. Discovered and scientific pedagogical conditions of preparation of teachers to experimental research field of natural science, namely the use of interdisciplinary connections in the preparation of teachers to experimental research field of natural science; acquisition by future teachers of experimental and research abilities; introduction of methods, forms of the organization of experimental research and tutorials for training of future teachers for carrying out different types of educational experiment.
The criteria (motivational and personal, cognitive, substantial and operational and activity), indicators (requirements and interests, knowledge of a subject and ways of activity, possession of a technique and technology of experiment on natural sciences, ability; skills of experimental activity) and levels (reproductive (basic), adaptive (middle), modeling (sufficient), creative and innovative (high)of training of teachers to experimental research field of natural science. The method of preparation of teachers to experimental research on the field of natural science, which includes a system of methods and forms of experimental research field of natural science and learning tools.
Key words: teacher training, experimental research, industry, science, separation pedagogical conditions, method of teacher training.