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Kopylets E. V. Upbringing of Ecological Value Orientations of Juvenile Age in the Course of the Common Geography Study

Kopylets E. V. Upbringing of Ecological Value Orientations of Juvenile Age in the Course of the Common Geography Study. - On die right of manuscript
The dissertation on the scientific degree of the Candidate of Pedagogical sciences in specialty 13.00.07 - theory and methods of upbringing. - Uman State Pedagogical University named after Pavlo Tychyna, Uman, 2013.
The theoretical grounds and the practical solution of an important and topical problem represented in the development and experimental verification of the methods of upbringing of ecological value orientations of juvenile age in the course of the Common Geography study that assumes the structuring of the course of Common Geography in compliance with the logic of mastering the ecological value meaning of the material under study along with consecutive formulation the environmental education objectives of the value orientations of adolescents per each of the structural units of the course; the use of pedagogical technologies of geography training, which are effective in the upbringing of ecological value orientations of juvenile age; the lessons ranking that mainly reflects the stages of formation of value orientations; the systematic supplement of the amount of class work on the subject with extra-curriculum work, first of all, with geographical study of local lore, that being at the most correlated with the schedule on Common Geography takes into account the peculiarities of the environment of juvenile age and ensures their direct contact with the natural objects, are investigated in the thesis.
The criteria and indicators are defined; the levels of the ecological value orientations upbringing of juvenile age are described. The essence of such concepts as «environmental values» and «the ecological value orientations» is qualified; the list of basic individual values of the nature, the development of which provides the environmental upbringing of ecological value orientations of juvenile age is made.
Key words: ecological value orientations, juvenile age, the methods of ecological value orientations upbringing, the study of Common Geography.