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Kononets N. V. Didactic bases of resource-based learning computer sciences cycle students of agrarian colleges

Kononets N. V. Didactic bases of resource-based learning computer sciences cycle students of agrarian colleges. – Manuscript.
Thesis for a Doctor’s Degree in Pedagogical Sciences, specialty 13.00.09 – Theory of Training. – H. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogic University, Ministry or Education and Science of Ukraine. – Kharkiv, 2017.
The thesis is a theoretical and experimental study of didactic bases of resource-based learning computer sciences cycle students of agrarian colleges.
Resource-based learning computer sciences cycle students of agrarian colleges – a holistic and dynamic process of stimulating self-learning of students to master the skills of active transformation of the information environment, mastering knowledge of computer science and information and communication technology, which provides optimal use of tandem "student-teacher" information resources..
The functional didactic model of resource-based learning computer sciences cycle students of agrarian colleges teaching defined conditions, criteria (cognitive, action-effective and self-regulatory) levels of efficiency and resource-based learning computer sciences cycle. It developed and implemented an educational research project "Resource-based learning computer sciences cycle".
Key words: resource-based learning, computer sciences cycle, agrarian college, educational technology, information and learning environment, information resource, electronic educational resources, concept, didactic conditions, model.