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Kononets N.V. Didactic bases of development of electronic textbook as facilities of individualization of teaching of students of agrarian colleges

Kononets N.V. Didactic bases of development of electronic textbook as facilities of individualization of teaching of students of agrarian colleges

Kononets N.V. Didactic bases of development of electronic textbook as facilities of individualization of teaching of students of agrarian colleges. – Manuscript.

Ph.D. thesis to do an academic Candidate’s Degree of Pedagogical Science in the specialized field 13.00.09 – the theory of studies. – Institute of Pedagogics of Ukrainian National Academy of Pedagogical Science, Kyiv, 2010.

In dissertation, didactic bases and new practical decision of issue of the day of development of electronic textbook are resulted for individualization of teaching of students of agrarian colleges.

The concepts of electronic textbook, his maintenances, structures are certain, requirements to maintenance and structure of electronic textbook, to individualization of teaching of electronic textbook a mean.

Certain and didactic bases of development of electronic textbook as facilities of individualization of teaching of students are scientifically grounded: educational requirements for the electronic textbook as a partial case of e-learning, the need for teacher training to the creation of an electronic textbook and its orientation, development of an electronic textbook to supplement the program (in our case - Microsoft FrontPage); use of an electronic textbook as a means of individualization of student learning.

Efficiency of certain didactic bases and individualization of teaching of students with the use of electronic textbook was tested by a pedagogical experiment, description and analysis of results of which is given in process.

The basic results of research are inculcated in practice of individualization of teaching of students of agrarian colleges.

Key words: electronic textbook, maintenance of electronic textbook, structure of electronic textbook, requirements to maintenance and structure of electronic textbook, individualization of teaching of electronic textbook a mean, preparation of teacher of agrarian colleges to creation of electronic textbook.


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