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Ivanytsya A.V. Pedagogical principles of family education of students
![Ivanytsya A.V. Pedagogical principles of family education of students](https://3b731f7dd6.cbaul-cdnwnd.com/e2d004e7228003f5aa4d95a2a8ed2489/system_preview_detail_200000460-f1e70f4064/book.jpg)
Ivanytsya A.V. Pedagogical principles of family education of students. —
Thesis for the degree of candidate of pedagogical science. Specialty 13.00.07 - Theory and Methods of Education - East Ukrainian National University named after Volodymyr Dahl. - Kyiv, 2015.
The thesis presented pedagogical principles of family education of students and new practical solution to the actual problem of organizing family education of students in institutions of higher learning. The concept of “family education of students” has been defined (the system of pedagogical influence that provides integrated process of determined actions by parents, teaching staff of institution of higher learning, students and society to prepare students for family life and create strong and happy family), its essence (lies in developing conscious citizen and patriot of Ukraine and students’ family values, independence and creativity that is based on Ukrainian origins and traditions and Ukrainian ethnopedagogy (integrated system of knowledge, ideas, forms and methods of working with students); styles of family education of students in institutions of higher learning have been outlined, democratic style and tetrahedron style (cooperation); theoretically and experimentally tested pedagogical principles of family education students that cover: 1) pedagogical support to students in the family education in universities; 2) creation of distant partnership environment "Center of Distance partnership "Family education of students""; 3) implementation of the educational project "My family and I”.
Specialized course of study “Family education of students” has been developed within the framework of “My family and I” educational project.
Basic categorical-conceptual definitions have been specified: the essence of concepts of “family values”, “happy family”, “pedagogical support of students”, “partnership’, the essence of criteria (cognitive, motivation and value, activity and self- regulatory) and indicators of levels (high, medium, low) of family values, patriotism, independence and creativity of students.
Efficiency of defined pedagogical principles of family education of students in institutions of higher learning was verified through pedagogical experiment, description and analysis of results, which are presented in the thesis.
Key words: students, family education, family education of students, the content of family education of students, the essence of family education of students, pedagogical principles of family education of students, pedagogical support of students, distant partnership environment, educational project “My family and I”.