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Grytsai N. B. The system of methodical training of future teachers of biology in pedagogical Universities

Grytsai N. B. The system of methodical training of future teachers of biology in pedagogical Universities

Grytsai N. B. The system of methodical training of future teachers of biology in pedagogical Universities. - Manuscript.

Thesis submitted for the degree of doctor of pedagogical sciences in specialty 13.00.02 - Theory and methods of teaching (biology). - Institute of Pedagogy NAPS of Ukraine. - Kyiv, 2016.

The dissertation is devoted to the theoretical and methodological grounds of methodical training of teachers of biology. The study is based on a variety of sources, it generalizes and utilizes the domestic and foreign experience in the field.

The thesis provides basic overview and thorough analysis of contemporary methodological approaches to the methodical training of teachers of biology. It also outlines tendencies and principles of methodical training of this professional group. The author proposes her original concept of system of methodical training, the model of system of methodical training. The methodical readiness combines four components (motivational, cognitive, active and reflective). The dissertation provides detailed description of major criteria, indicators and levels of methodical readiness.

The study substantiated and experimentally tested the effectiveness of the methodological training of future teachers of biology. Based on that it is stated that the motivational component of students in experimental groups increased by 23,1%, cognitive - by 32,3%, activity - by 28,2%, reflective - by 18,9%.

Keywords: methodical training, system of methodical training, methods of teaching biology, methodical readiness, personalized methodically oriented learning environment, individual methodical style, innovative technology education, future teachers of biology.

