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Dyacbenko-Bohun M.M. Pedagogical conditions of environmental education of pupils

Dyacbenko-Bohun M.M. Pedagogical conditions of environmental education of pupils. - Manuscript.
The dissertation on obtaining of scientific degree of candidate of pedagogical science over the specialty 13.00.07 - theory and methods of education - G.S.Skovoroda Kharkiv national pedagogical university. - Kharkiv, 2011.
The dissertation is a theoretical and experimental investigation of environmental education problems in senior secondary schools aimed at the conservation of nature.
The dissertation presents the essence of environmental education as a continuous psycho-pedagogical process of purposeful creative interaction of teachers and pupils, whose goal is to develop students need in the development of environmental culture, promote positive motivation high school students to carry out active conservation work, the formation of an integrated system of environmental knowledge and skills as the basis for an active life stance.
The study found that the purpose and objectives of environmental education of high school students include the formation of students' environmental culture, which in defined as an integrated personality neoplasm arising from assimilation of its system of environmental knowledge, appropriate skills, the formation of moral and personal qualities that enable students to correctly identify the role of nature in modem life, to coordinate their behavior in the environment with moral norms and cultural values.
Theoretically grounded pedagogical conditions of environmental education of students (forming a positive motivating of high school students to active environmental management, the mastery of knowledge for its implementation; the inclusion of high school students in school activities to develop teaching and learning of environmental).
Experimental study of the implementation conditions of environmental education of high school students proved their effectiveness.
The results obtained allow to substantiate the effectiveness of pedagogical conditions of environmental education for senior school students suggested by the author. Practical recommendations are given for teachers to create these conditions in secondary schools.
Key words: environmental education, environmental culture, pedagogical conditions, motivation, environmental protection, secondary school.