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Donchenko V. I. Methods of teaching of health-saving technologies of students of medical university.

Donchenko V. I. Methods of teaching of health-saving technologies of students of medical university. - Manuscript.
The dissertation to obtain the scientific degree of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences. Specialty 13.00.02 - Theory and Methods of Teaching (Physical Education, Rudiments of Health). - V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Department of Education and Science of Ukraine, Kharkiv, 2016.
The dissertation work is a theoretical and experimental research of problem of training of health-saving technologies of students of medical university.
In the dissertation clarified the essence of the concept «health-saving technologies», characterized structural components of methodical readiness of future doctors to the usage of health saving technologies, systematic main scientific approaches, theoretical principles, achievements of domestic and foreign learning experience health-saving technologies of students of medical university. Implemented designing training content of health-saving technologies of medical students and types of cognitive activity of students and turning them inclusion in the process of educational activity. Scientifically reasonably methods of teaching of health-saving technologies of students of medical university and its model, developed system of scientific and methodological support of methods and carried out the design of the means for its implementation.
Keywords: medical students, health-saving technologies, methods of teaching, model, future doctors, medical universities.