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Datsenko A.A. Pedagogical conditions of children creative activity of Poltava region collectives.
![Datsenko A.A. Pedagogical conditions of children creative activity of Poltava region collectives.](https://3b731f7dd6.cbaul-cdnwnd.com/e2d004e7228003f5aa4d95a2a8ed2489/system_preview_detail_200000460-f1e70f4064/book.jpg)
Datsenko A.A. Pedagogical conditions of children creative activity of Poltava region collectives. - Manuscript.
The dissertation for the scientific degree of the candidate of pedagogical sciences on speciality 13.00.07 - „Theory and Methods of Education”. - Eastern Ukrainian national university named after Vladimir Dal, Lugansk, 2007.
A dissertation is dedicated to the problem of pedagogical conditions of children creative activity of Poltava region collectives.
An educational essence of children creative collectives in relation to their activities (musical; vocal-choral; choreographic; literary-theatrical; songs and dance) and functions: social, competencies, educational, cultural creative.
The children creative collective promotes self-realization, development of the natural making of children by means of art facilities and enrichment of their creative individuality, attaching to the spiritual values of a society, forming meaningful qualities of personality: responsibility, discipline, good nature in case of correct guidance by him. The importance of children creative collective for each child that it is that microenvironment, which promotes realization of norms and valued orientations of society in norms and values of the concrete child, which in such collective finds his self-expression and self-affirmation as a creative personality, and macroenvironment is an art which masters this or that children creative collective, that has influence on development of his qualities of art studying.
Pedagogical conditions of activity of children creative collective are: organizational, skilled, studying-methodical, informative studying-educational
positions, which provide effective activity and promote its development. Each pedagogical condition includes the appropriate components: organizational; professional, communicative, psychological; creative, cultural, emotional; informational.
The practical and effective scientific-methodical maintenance of pedagogical conditions of children creative collectives’ activity of Poltava region is:
• an establishment, strengthening and increases of native territory traditions;
• development and realization of the Concept of development of educational activity of children creative collectives (CCC) of Poltava and Poltava region;
• the success of organization CCC activity depends on professionalism of its chief;
• creations of chiefs organizations - independent public organization;
• functioning of a regional scientific - methodical complex;
• repertoire selection for the children creative collective;
• stimulations of search and support of gifted and talented children of region.
Experimentally a method of forming children creative collective is tested that
gave an expected effect: the purposeful development of activity of children creative collectives in the created pedagogical conditions takes place.
A method of forming a children creative collective is carried out by means of five components (motivation-having special purpose; rich in content; methodical; in ways of the forms of activity and the choosing of facilities of teaching and education) and parameters, appropriate to them, that enables to define a level of children creative collective effectiveness activity (high, sufficient; satisfactory; unsatisfactory).
Key words: children creative collective, pedagogical conditions, cultural- educational upbringing environment, pedagogical conditions, educational activity, breeding, musical-carrying out skills.