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Bolovatska Y. I. Students’ Person-Oriented Education in Cultural and Recreational Activities of Higher Pedagogical Educational Establishments.

Bolovatska Y. I. Students’ Person-Oriented Education in Cultural and Recreational Activities of Higher Pedagogical Educational Establishments. - Manuscript.
Thesis for a PhD Degree in Pedagogical Sciences. Speciality 13.00.07 - Theory and Methodology of Education. - V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine. - Kharkiv, 2015.
The thesis focuses on the students’ person-oriented education in cultural and recreational activities of higher pedagogical educational establishments. The work proves the theoretical basis for the future teachers’ person-oriented education. There are three main concepts considered in the paper, namely the concept of «cultural and recreational future teachers’ activities», «person-oriented education of the students of higher pedagogical educational establishments», «leisure culture», and «cultural and recreational activities».
The thesis specifically studies the essence and peculiarities of cultural and leisure activities of higher educational establishments. As a result the criteria, parameters and levels of future teachers’ personal development in cultural and recreational activities are defined and described.
The paper presents the author's technique of the students’ person-oriented education in cultural and recreational activities of higher educational establishments. The technique of developing cultural and leisure activities is implemented in the education process and makes it possible to carry out the youth project «Students’ Cultural Leisure School» the efficiency of which is confirmed experimentally.
Keywords: students, person-oriented education, leisure culture, cultural and recreational activities, future teachers’ cultural and recreational activities.