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Bilyk N. I. Theoretical and methodical bases of adaptive-pedagogical design management of regional educational systems of further teaching staff training

Bilyk N. I. Theoretical and methodical bases of adaptive-pedagogical design management of regional educational systems of further teaching staff training. - Manuscript.
Thesis for Doctor’s Degree in Pedagogical Sciences in specialty 13.00.06 - Theory and Methods of Educational Management. - Bohdan Khmelnitsky National University at Cherkasy. - Cherkasy, 2016.
The dissertation presents theoretical and methodical principles of adaptive- pedagogical design management of regional educational systems of further teaching staff training, such as a set of systematic, regional, project, andragogical, competence-oriented, innovative and disseminated approaches whose implementation ensures stable relationships of the internal and external environment of regional educational systems and allows them to implement the principles of innovative processes that influence its development.
This provides: a systematic analysis of current problems of Ukrainian and European in-service education, subject’s educational policy activities, strategic reserves of regional educational systems upgrading; providing the integrative result of the interaction of different creative educational communities at different levels; adaptive-pedagogical design of regional educational system development
and the particular educational institution of in-service teacher education in terms of innovative development of the society and the state.
The management concept of adaptive-pedagogical design management of regional educational systems of further teaching staff training is scientifically grounded, the ways to modernize the regional educational systems through the introduction of innovative courses of further education and the creation of regional and zonal school of innovation for leading, scientific, pedagogical and teaching staff are uncovered, the effectiveness of which is due to the thought out management organization of adaptive-pedagogical design process of innovative movement in these communities.
The development and expert evaluation of the projective model of the development of regional educational systems of further teaching staff training are carried. The structural elements are: goals, three blocks (managing, managed and adaptive-projective), and vectors of development, educational monitoring and expected results. The management of adaptive-pedagogical design is always aimed at harmonization of interacting substructures (managing and managed subsystems) and is characterized by a double passage of information through these structures (firstly social, moving from the bottom, and regulatory, moving from the top, then concerted that is normed and sent to all activities of the social system) to clarify the objectives of the current changes in plans, programs of actions and ensuring of their quality performance.
The system of information support as a required management resource of adaptive-pedagogical design of developing regional educational system comprises three main components: activities; infrastructure; mechanisms of interaction. Informational partners in the regional educational systems serve educational periodicals of in-service educational establishments that settle the matter of the active use and development of the rich fund established by the science and practice of innovative ideas and technologies.
A network interaction of teaching staff is set up: the site «Poltava regional school of innovation», eleven blogs of zonal schools of innovation and the site «School of the young teacher of Poltava region» and personal sites and blogs of young professionals and members of schools of innovation (scientific, scientific and pedagogical and teaching staff).
Key words: system, educational system, regional educational system, regional educational system of further teaching staff training, management, design, adaptive- pedagogical design.