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Belyaeva N. V. Professional-ethic features training of future managers.

Belyaeva N. V. Professional-ethic features training of future managers.

Belyaeva N. V. Professional-ethic features training of future managers. - On the rights of manuscript.

Scientific thesis for the degree of the Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences in speciality 13.00.07 - Theory and Methods of Education. - Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, Uman, 2015.

The problem of education of professional and ethical qualities of educational institutions future managers has been revealed in the thesis.

The content of such notions as «educational institution manager», «professional and ethical qualities», «education of professional and ethical qualities of educational institutions future managers» have been studied. The structure of professional and ethical qualities, and peculiarities of their education while obtaining a master's degree in the specialty «Educational Institution Administration» have been revealed.

The criteria, indicators and levels education of professional and ethical qualities of educational institutions future managers have been defined. Theoretically grounded and experimentally tested pedagogical conditions of education of professional and ethical qualities of educational institutions future managers, such as: the creation of educational environment, close to the future administrator’s professional activity; improving of organizational methods of educational process by making subjects more ethical; systematic motivation of educational institutions future managers to self-education of professional and ethical qualities in the process of interactive educational activities.

Key words: educational institutions managers, professional and ethical qualities, education of professional and ethical qualities of educational institutions future managers, master degree studies, educational environment.