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Barbinova A. V. Upbringing the family values of students in the educational process of vocational technical schools.
![Barbinova A. V. Upbringing the family values of students in the educational process of vocational technical schools.](https://3b731f7dd6.cbaul-cdnwnd.com/e2d004e7228003f5aa4d95a2a8ed2489/system_preview_detail_200000460-f1e70f4064/book.jpg)
Barbinova A. V. Upbringing the family values of students in the educational process of vocational technical schools. - Qualifying scientific work on the rights of manuscripts.
Scientific thesis for the Degree of the Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences (PhD) in specialty 13.00.07. Theory and methodology of education. - Poltava National Pedagogical University named after V. G. Korolenko, Poltava, 2017. Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University, Uman, 2017.
In the dissertation the theoretical generalization of the actual socio-pedagogical problem of upbringing the family values of students was made. On the basis of the analysis of sociological, psychological, and pedagogical literature, the state of research of the problem in the pedagogical theory and practice of vocational technical schools is revealed, and the essence of the key concepts of the research is specified: «family values» (an integrative entity that characterizes the integral person, determines the focus on family life and reflects the motives, goals, social settings, interests, needs, inclinations that recognize the value of the individual towards the creation and development of the family) and «education of family values of students of vocational technical schools» (a complex, integrated education that encompasses the awareness of young people and girls of the moral principles of traditional and contemporary family values of the Ukrainian people, the formation of knowledge, social skills and skills necessary for the implementation of family functions, development of personal qualities of a family man, ability to empathy understanding of a partner and constructive behavior in relationships); their structural components are specified.
The educational potential of the educational and training process of vocational technical schools in the context upbringing of family values is determined, the age and social characteristics of the students of these educational institutions are determined.
The criteria (cognitive-cognitive, value-motivational, activity-behavioral, selfregulating and reflexive), indicators and the levels (sufficient, average, low) of education of family values among students of vocational technical schools are determined.
The effectiveness of the theoretically grounded pedagogical conditions for the education of the students' family values in the educational process of the vocational technical schools has been experimentally confirmed: the creation of a personally oriented educational and educational environment in a vocational technical schools aimed at developing a value relation to the family; realization of the contents of the pedagogical project «You and I - the future young family»; the use of interactive forms and methods in classroom and non-auditing educational work in order to actualize the need for self- improvement and development of personal qualities of a future family man.
Key words: family values, students, vocational technical schools, educational process, pedagogical conditions, education of family values.