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Ageicheva A. A. Distance learning reforming trends in Swedish higher education system.
Ageicheva A. A. Distance learning reforming trends in Swedish higher education system. - Manuscript.
Thesis for a scientific degree of Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, specialty 13.00.01 - general pedagogics and history of pedagogics. - Volodymyr Dahl East- Ukrainian National University . - Luhansk, 2014.
The work focuses on the components and reforming stages of distance learning at Swedish universities. The study identifies distance learning reforming trends in higher education in Sweden.
The system of higher education and the development stages of distance learning in major universities in Sweden is analyzed.
The historical periods of reform and e-leaming in Swedish higher education are distinguished in the thesis; the results of a theoretical analysis of the structural characteristics and components of distance learning are presented. The key information and communication technologies reforming stages in distance learning in Sweden are destiguished. The main aspects of the scientific and methodological support and distance learning intellectual property protection in higher education in Sweden are highlighted.
Recommendations for the the Swedish experience implementation in distance learning system in Ukraine are formulated in thesis.
Key-words: system of higher education, universities distance learning, Sweden, reforming trends, reforming stages, education content.