Разом ми - сила!
Maryna Grynova – Doctor of pedagogical sciences, Professor of the IA Ziaziun Pedagogical Skill and Management Department, the Dean of the Faculty of Natural Sciences of Poltava V.G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University, Honored Worker of the Education of Ukraine, laureate of the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology, Corresponding Member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, whose fruitful activities are marked by several honors and awards.
She is known in Ukraine as a pedagogue-innovator, successful manager, a new generation scholar, initiator of the introduction of a modern pedagogical and educational strategy for the development of the personality of the future teacher of natural sciences, author of about 650 worksincluding monographs, educational and teaching aids, etc.
In 1991, at the Research Institute of Pedagogy in Kyiv, I defended my Ph.D. thesis on the topic "The Formation of self-regulation of educational activities for primary school students"(Specialty: 13.00.01 - theory and history of pedagogy).In 1998 I defended my doctoral dissertation on the topic "Theoretical and Methodological Foundations of the Formation of Self-Regulation of Students' Educational Activities"in the specialized academic council of the Institute of Pedagogics of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine (Specialty: 13.00.01 - Theory and History of Pedagogy).
The own powerful scientific school "Self-regulation as the basis of successful pedagogical activity" established by Maryna Grynova, scientists defended 11 doctoral and 50 candidate's theses also by her guidance. The school's innovative work is aimed at working out three main priorities: a student - a teacher - an educational environment, where the self-regulation is a higher level of activity, arming the ability to study throughout life.
The areas of scientific activity are:theoretical and methodological foundations of self-regulation formation of educational activities of schoolchildren;theoretical and methodological principles of preparing future teachers of natural sciences for professional activity in specialized school;theoretical and methodical principles of realization of health-saving technologies in the professional activity of future teachers of biology;the tendency of professional training of future managers of educational institutions to innovation management; theoretical and methodological aspect; theoretical and practical bases for preparing managers for marketing activities; the training system for project-innovation management masters; didactic basis of educational interaction between teacher and student in the process of studying pedagogical disciplines; professional development and self-development of personality in the creative heritage of A. Makarenko; didactic bases of resource-oriented training of disciplines of the computer cycle for the students of agrarian colleges;theoretical and methodical principles of management of adaptive-pedagogical designing of regional educational systems for the improvement of professional qualifications of pedagogical workers.
A fundamental study "Educational Potential of the Student Self-Government System of Higher Educational Institutions of Ukraine" was carried out by my guidance during the 2013-2015. In 2016-2018 the fundamental research "Adaptation of Internally Displaced Persons to the University Environment by Student Self-Government Facilities" is carried out.Section № 19. Pedagogy, psychology, sociology, Ukrainian studies, problems of education and science, youth and sports.
The result of the development of the scientific school isthe publication of a collection of scientific works "Origins of Pedagogical Excellence", licensed by the Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sports of Ukraine as a specialized scientific periodical.
The researches carried out together with the incumbents allowed to create a network of scientific museums at thePoltava V.G. Korolenko National Pedagogical University: the museum of evolutionary zoology;VernadsiiGeneral and Regional Geology museum; the museum of A.Makarenko life and activity; Ziaziun Memorial Auditorium;theCenter of Makarenko Studies,Scientific Center "School.The Leader of the Future ". A new life was given to the Botanical Gardens - a field for discovering new specialties: biology, ecology, foundations of agrarian production, human health. For its functioning, anopen-air museum of Ukrainian gardening and floriculture, the Green class, rockery, syringary, arboretum were opened. The new collections of plants were created in anindoor and outdoor, a memorable stele was opened to the Ukrainian scientist-botanist, academician M.Hryshko.There were organized about 90 International, All-Ukrainian and regional conferences and seminars of natural and pedagogical sciences devoted to the actual issues of development and introduction of innovative principles and pedagogical skills, educational management, project management and innovation, bioethics, conservation of natural biodiversity and human health.
Such work became the basis for scientific research of the preparation for the future teacher:the scientific and methodological basis for the training of future teachers of natural sciences in higher educational institutions;didactic principles of the electronic textbookdevelopmentas a means of individualization of the training for the students of agrarian colleges; raising the leadership qualities of future teachers in the student self-government system;theoretical and methodological principles of preparing future teachers of natural sciences for professional activity in the specialized school.
A significant level of activity is taking placeat the I.ZiaziunDepartment of Pedagogical Skill and Management, headed from 2002 to 2015.The department operates Master`s degree programme "073 Management" in three specialties: "Management of educational institutions", "Project Management" and "Management ofInnovationactivities".
A system of scientific work for students to enter the higher education institutions has been created.For this purpose, thescientific directions have been developed:the formation of communicative competence of high school students in the process of studying a foreign language;didactic conditions for the creative development of high school students in the process of studying the subjects of the natural cycle of general education;pedagogical conditions of children's activity creative groups of Poltava region;pedagogical conditions of environmental education of seniors;the upbringing of the physical qualities of seniors in the training groups of children's and youth sports schools.A number of textbooks and teaching aids have been developed, bearing the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine: "Modern Biology. The tests of the theoretical part I, II, IV-VII intern.Biological Olympiads "(2012, stamp MES)" Development of creativity of students in the process of studying the school course biology. System "Didtakroservis" (2014, stamp MES), textbook "Biology-10" (2010), "Chemistry: a directory for entrants and students of general educational institutions" (2012, 2013, 2014, 2015).
M. Grynova the head of judgesof the regional Olympiad in biology,the head of the jury of the regional Olympiad in pedagogy and psychology and the jury of the regional stage of the competition for the protection of research works of the students of the Small Academy of Sciences of Ukraine,is the head of the jury of the regional stage of the contest "Class teacher of the year", a member of the competition commission of All-Ukrainian student's scientific work in the field of "Management".
Scientific interests are focused on the development of modern management in educational institutions: upbringing of the leadership qualities of future teachers in the system of student self-government; modeling of the training process in the system of teacher training; pedagogical stimulation of professional growth of teachers of general educational institutions; preparation of future managers of agroindustrial complex of Ukraine for prevention of conflicts in management activity; theoretical and methodical principles of management of adaptive-pedagogical designing of regional educational systems for improving the qualifications of teaching staff.
At this time, educational and methodological aids that have the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine: "Self-regulation" (2012), "Pedagogical Technologies: Theory and Practice" (2006, 2007, 2012, the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science), "Management of general educational institutions" (2014, the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science), "Management of the educational process" (2014, stamp MES), "Fundamentals of modern education" (2015, MES), "Management of the educational process" (2016, stamp MES) were created and implemented.
Inventive activity of M. Grynova includes 10 certificates of authorship and patents for invention.
In 2012, I became the winner of the State Prize of Ukraine in the field of science and technology, for my work "Realization of the strategy of innovative development on the basis of the newest management algorithms".
The work of the scientific leader of the "Poltava School of Local and Student Self-Government" Leader of the Future ".The main goal of the School is to form a new generation of responsible and decent government managers. The participants in student self-government conduct active scientific activity under my leadership. There were seven school issues.
Author of effective methods of education management: theoretical and methodological principles of management of adaptive-pedagogical designing of regional educational systems for the improvement of professional qualifications of pedagogical workers; modeling of the training process in the system of teacher training; pedagogical stimulation of professional growth of teachers of general educational institutions.The result of the implementation of these techniques is the teaching aids that have the stamps of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine: "Self-regulation" (2012), "Pedagogical Technologies: Theory and Practice" (2006, 2007, 2012, guests of the Ministry of Education and Science), "Management Educational process "(in 2014, guests of the Ministry of Education and Science)," Fundamentals of modern education "(in 2015, the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science)," Management of educational process "(2016, 2017, 2018 guests of the Ministry of Education and Science).
In order to prepare highly skilled young specialists on the initiative and under the guidance of M. Grynova is an open and successfully functioning Masters` degree programme "073 Management" in three specialties: "School Management", "Project Management" and "Management of Innovative Activities", which create the basis for the development of a new direction-pedagogical management and provide the direction of pedagogical leadership activities by educational institutions on science education.Together with the teachers of the department, the full scientific and methodological provision of the taught disciplines has been developed, there is a continuous improvement of the material base for conducting academic and research work. At present there are 155 graduate students at the department.
The scientific activity is aimed at working with gifted children. For eight consecutive years, I am the head of the regional Olympiad in biology, which is effective for the Poltava region, as students choose prize-winning places at national and international competitions. Since 2013 I am the head of the jury of the regional Olympiad in pedagogy and psychology and the jury of the city and regional stage of the competition for the protection of research works of the students of the Small Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.There are textbooks and teaching aids for work with gifted children, which have the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine: "Modern biology. The tests of the theoretical part of І, ІІ, ІV VІІ International.Biological Olympiads "(2012, stamp MES)" Development of creativity of students in the process of studying the school course biology. System "Didaktoservice" (2014, stamp MES), textbook "Biology-10" (2010), "Chemistry: a directory for entrants and students of general educational institutions" (2012, 2013, 2014, 2015).
Due to the scientific developments in Ukraine, a new direction for teacher training was launched: scientific and methodological bases for professional training of natural sciences teachers in higher educational institutions; didactic principles of the development of an electronic textbook as a means of individualization of the training of students of agrarian colleges; raising the leadership qualities of future teachers in the student self-government system; theoretical and methodological principles of preparing future teachers of natural sciences for professional activity in the specialized school.
For the activity of modern educational institutions there were new methods have been developed: formation of communicative competences in high school students in the process of studying a foreign language; didactic conditions for the creative development of high school students in the process of studying the subjects of the natural cycle of general education; pedagogical conditions of activity of children's creative groups of Poltava region; pedagogical conditions of environmental education of seniors.
Since 2000, students of the Faculty of Natural Sciences have beenwinning the prize places at the All-Ukrainian competitions of scientific works in the fields of science "Management" and "Intellectual Property".
At the Faculty of Natural Sciences at the I.Ziaziun Department of Pedagogical Skill and Management, the development of theoretical foundations and implementation of the idea of a person-oriented approach to students in the educational process is carried out. The initiator of the creation and scientific leader of the network of scientific complexes with museums of Poltava region, secondary and extra-curricular educational institutions, holding of All-Ukrainian and International scientific-practical conferences, seminars, symposiums;the traditional International Scientific and Practical Conference on Methodology of Teaching Natural Sciences "Karishin Readings". M.Hryniova is the permanent author of the scientific publication "Gifted Child" and participant of All-Ukrainian scientific and practical conferences, organized by the team of the Gifted Child Institute of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
The school is actively working in constant scientific research. The initiator of the creation and scientific leader of the network of scientific complexes, which became the center of science for teachers, postgraduates, students, teachers and schoolchildren; «The Department of Pedagogical Skill and Management - International and All-Ukrainian Association of A. Makarenko ";"Department of Pedagogical Excellence and Management - Department of the State Department of Ukraine for Execution of Sentences in Poltava Oblast"; "Department of Pedagogical Excellence and Management - Director of Educational Institutions of Ukraine"; "Department of Pedagogical Skill and Management - Memorial and Literary and Memorial Museums of Ukraine"; Club of pedagogical regional studies.
Мої нагороди
Заслужений працівник освіти України (2004 р.). Нагороджена Почесною грамотою Міністерства освіти України (1997 р.), знаком «Відмінник народної освіти» (1999 р.), Почесною грамотою з нагрудним знаком Кабінету Міністрів України (2000 р.), занесена в книгу «Жінки України» (2001 р.), «Славетні жінки України» (2005 р.), Грамотою Української асоціації імені Василя Сухомлинського (2006 р.), Почесною грамотою Полтавської обласної ради (2008 р.), Грамотою керуючого Полтавською Єпархією Української Православної Церкви – Високопреосвященнійшого Архієпископа Полтавського і Миргородського Филипа (2009 р.), Почесною грамотою виконавчого комітету Полтавської міської ради (2009 р.), Грамотою Академії педагогічних наук України (2010 р.), Грамотою Верховної Ради України за вагомі здобутки перед українським народом (2010 р.), орденом Святої Великомучениці Варвари за заслуги перед Українською Православною Церквою (2010 р.), лауреат премії імені Леоніда Бразова у номінації "Публіцистика" (2012 р.), диплом лауреата державної премії України в галузі науки і техніки № 6845, виданий Указом президента України №279/2013, відзнака за особистий вагомий внесок в розбудову Черкаського національного університету імені Богдана Хмельницького з врученням нагрудного знака № 57 від 5.04.2013, почесною грамотою президента Національного студентського союзу (2013 р.), сертифікат почесного члена Міжнародної макаренковської асоціації (13.03.2013р.), Training certificate “Global trends in alternative energy sources production” (31.05.2013), включена: до книг «Державні нагороди та нагороджені в Україні» (2014 р.), «Науковці країни – еліта держави» (2014 р.), “Портрет успішної жінки” (2014 р.)., Знак “Ушинський К.Д.” посвідчення №758 (наказ № 49К від 18.09.2014р.), знак “200 років з дня народження Тараса Григоровича Шевченка” (посвідчення № 181 від 12.12.2014 р.).
26 березня 2012 році кафедру педагогічної майстерності та менеджменту Полтавського національного педагогічного університету імені В.Г.Короленка було нагороджено Лауреатським дипломом Міжнародної Академії Рейтингових Технологій і Соціології «Золота Фортуна» в номінації: «За вагомий внесок у справу розбудови України та високий професіоналізм у сфері освіти і науки».